![[Translate to English_IN:] User- friendly and easy to work with cable connecting systems for electricians. [Translate to English_IN:] First class quality combined with easy installation – electricians can rely on Cellpack products](/fileadmin/user_upload/bbcgroup.biz/site/eproducts/images/used/002-Ihr-Gesch%C3%A4ft_Bilder/0024-Installateur_Bilder/0024-Header_01_Cellpack_Elektroinstallateure.jpg)
Solutions for Installers
Whether individual components or system solutions, installers and technicians can always rely on the highest product quality with straightforward installation.
Solutions for Installers
Whether individual components or system solutions, installers and technicians can always rely on the highest product quality with straightforward installation.
![[Translate to English_IN:] System solutions for electricians and technicians from Cellpack Electrical Products [Translate to English_IN:] Electricians around the world trust in the expertise of Cellpack Electrical Products](/fileadmin/user_upload/bbcgroup.biz/site/eproducts/images/used/002-Ihr-Gesch%C3%A4ft_Bilder/0024-Installateur_Bilder/0024-Box_01_Kabelverbindungssysteme_Elektroinstallateure_new.jpg)
System Solutions for Installers and Technicians
Cable accessories and connecting systems are one of the most crucial components in ensuring a long-lasting, functioning electricity transfer. Installers and technicians have to be able to wholly rely upon continual high product quality from their favoured manufacturer.
That is why joints, cast resins and gels, connectors as well as all other products from BBC Cellpack are consistently and rigorously optimised, allowing them to be simply, quickly and safely worked with by electricians.
That is why installers across the globe trust in our expertise!
Know-how directly from the Provider
Installers and technicians should not just know BBC Cellpack products but also know how to use them safely and correctly in every aspect. That is what is close to our heart. Part of our trademark is to pass on product information, demonstrate product features and installation information in our technical training sessions. Details of our seminars can be found in our training brochures.
The extensive product range from BBC Cellpack is listed with many renowned electrical wholesalers across the globe.